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Eventi & Mostre

22-23 Febbraio 2020

Esposizione Palazzo San Niccolò Firenze

Due giorni di esposizione e vendita per dimostrare il meglio del Handmade in Tuscany. Sono presente con una selezione del mio lavoro artistico, da quadri in forma di cubi in legno di recupero a tessuti stampati per decorazione interni.

Dicember 2019

Exhibition Villa Le Piazzole Florence

Christmas Exhibition

November 2019

Arc Gallery Monza

Exhibition AURUM Monza

August - Dicember 2019 collection of souvenirs

Restaurant Konnubio, Via dei Conti, 8r Firenze

In the magic atmosphere of this Restaurant located between train station and Cappelle Medicee you can find a small collection of my fine art photography.. The pictures are details in black and white of Florence... a special souvenir to bring back home! All pieces are unique! Free entrance!

July 2019 Big Apple Design Milano presents a new collection of Objects of Fine Art Photography

Big Apple Design, Piazza Mentana, Milano

In the ancient heart of the small Destrict "5Vie" in Milan at the store Big Apple Design you will find a new collection of home accessories, with my Fine Art Photography..

Free Entrance!

21/03-30/04/2019 Exhibition at Spazio Omnia Milano

Spazio Omnia, a little jewellery shop in the beautiful and ancient district "5vie" in the heart of Milano presents a small collection of Fine Art Photography combined with recycled wood. The immagines are details of small plants which seem to be small jewelleries. Every piece is unique!

Exhibition for the summer months until september 2018 at the restaurant Konnubio Via dei Conti 8r Florence

14/04/2018 Personal Exhibition with artegolf at Le Pavoniere Prato

exhibition of my photography

07-8/04/2018 Exhibition Firenze

Aggiungi qualche altra informazione su questo elemento...

Mostra mercato presso Villa Le Piazzole

08/12/2017-08/01/2018 Exhibiition in San Casciano Val di Pesa-Florence

Personal exhibition during the Christmastime at the osteria "Jumangi" in San Cascaino Val di Pesa


19/11/17- 06/01/2018 Personal exhibition during the Christmas event at "Cieffe Arredamenti"

Inauguration 19/11/2017 between 17 and 20.

Presentation of my photografies during the opening of the christmas season at the interior design and furniture store "Cieffe Arredamenti" between Castelfiorntino and Certaldo near Florence. The collection will be on show until January 2018.

30/09/-08/10/2017 Exhibition Parma

Exhibition during the fair "Mercante in Fiera " di Parma

A secection of my photographies with upcycled frames at "Antichità" di Mauro Davoli

14/06-12/07/2017 Personal exhibition Pieve di S. Appiano / Barberino Val d'Elsa

Personal exhibition during the festival "Sacralita e Gusto" at the beautiful and ancient abbey of S. Appiano accompanied by concert and dinner


Orme. Tracce di un passaggio

Maddalena Barletta, Adriana Collovati, Susanne Paetsch, Paolo Tortorella

M4A-MADE4ART, Milano 4 - 15 maggio 2017 Inaugurazione giovedì 4 maggio, ore 18.30In occasione di Photofestival 2017

15/05/-31/05/2017 Exhibition San Casciano Val di Pesa-Florence

Personal exhibition at the Soulshop

A selection on show of my flowerpictures

09-10/04/2016 Exhibition Florence

Fair Villa Piazzole

Exhibition with a selection of my photos during the fair at Villa Piazzole Florence

02-03 Aprile 2017 Exhibition Florence

Exhibition at the fair AAA Mostra dell' Artigianato, Agricoltura e Arte

A small selection of my photography

22/02/2017 Exhibition Florence

Inauguration of the "Club su misura" at the concept store "Atelier Via Maggio"

A new Club with furniture, fashion and art, all handmade in Italy

May 2017 Bagno a Ripoli - Firenze

Exhibition at the nursery "Dimensioni verdi"

Photoexhibition during the inauguration at the nursery "Dimensioni verdi"

02/12/2016-08/01/2017 San Casciano Val di Pesa-Firenze

Personal Exhibition at Unipol Sai Assicurazioni


03/12/2016 Exhibition Florence

Personal Exhibition at the concept store "Atelier Via Maggio" Florence

Presentation of my "Frozen" photographies

02-03/04/2016 Exhibition in Florence

Exhibition during the festival Artigianato, Agricoltura e Arte at the Fattoria di Maiano in Florence


05-06/12/2015 Exhibition in Stuttgart, Germany

Exhibition during the fair "Schoene Bescherung" in Stuttgart


08/01-15/02/2016 Personal exhibition Landsberg am Lech, Germany

Personal exhibition "Frozen" at the VR Bank In Landsberg am Lech

Vernissage and first time presentation of my photographies "Frozen"

30/09/2015 Exhibition Florence

Exhibition at the Studio Dr. Fiorini

Permanent exhibition

01/06-31/09/2015 Exhibition San Casciano Val di Pesa-Florence

Personal Exhibition at the Soulshop

Exhibition of my flower pictures with frames

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